Antônio Carlos Marques Pinto (Antônio Carlos) and José Carlos Figueiredo (Jocafi) are part of a talented and prolific generation, among the many icons of music, literature, and art that Bahia has been fortunate to produce.

Antônio Carlos & Jocafi were brought together by the poet and lyricist Ildásio Tavares, who gave them poems and lyrics for their early career music. Discovered by maestro Carlos Lacerda, the "musical guru" of Bahia responsible for the success of many musicians, singers, and composers from the region, they successfully participated in several festivals in Salvador. They were then invited by producer Rildo Hora to record their first LP, "Mudei de Idéia," an immediate success that confirmed their talent. From then on, songs like "Você Abusou," "Mas que Doidice," "Morte do Amor," and "Toró de Lágrimas" captured the hearts of the Brazilian people. The duo was consecrated when they gained massive popularity with the International Song Festival, where 36,000 people sang "Desacato" in unison, placing it among the top finalists.

As composers, they had the opportunity to record with the greatest names in Brazilian popular music, such as Vinícius de Moraes, Orlando Silva, Maísa, Nelson Gonçalves, Toquinho, Clara Nunes, Os Originais do Samba, Doris Monteiro, Jorge Aragão, MPB-4, Angela Maria, Emílio Santiago, Alcione, Djavan, and Daniela Mercury, as well as international artists like Celia Cruz, José Feliciano, and being sung by Ella Fitzgerald and Stevie Wonder, among others.